Category: Blog
Category: Blog

Emerald and Jade| The Nanday ConuresEmerald and Jade| The Nanday Conures
February 14, 2022 0 CommentsTaking Your Bird OutsideTaking Your Bird Outside
February 14, 2022 0 CommentsI am frequently asked 2 questions regarding having birds outside. Can they live on a lanai? Can they survive if[...]
How We Do What We DoHow We Do What We Do
February 14, 2022 0 CommentsHave you ever wondered where all the birds at Parrot Outreach Society come from? Or how we pay to care[...]
Who Is the Real Expert?Who Is the Real Expert?
February 14, 2022 0 CommentsWith the advent of FB many people have come “experts” regarding all things parrot. You will find groups on about[...]
Things to Think About Before Adopting a BirdThings to Think About Before Adopting a Bird
February 14, 2022 0 CommentsHaving a companion bird is a much longer commitment than bringing home a dog or a cat. Birds can live[...]
Cuddling and Your CockatooCuddling and Your Cockatoo
February 14, 2022 0 CommentsSo many times I see the statement, “don’t cuddle your Cockatoo” followed by all different kinds of reasons. I feel[...]
Girlfriend the Severe MacawGirlfriend the Severe Macaw
February 14, 2022 0 CommentsOne day I received a call from breeder, she had a Severe Macaw, with polyps, that could no longer produce.[...]
Your Parrots HomeYour Parrots Home
February 14, 2022 0 CommentsYour parrots home is a very important part of it’s life. If you are a working parent, even more so.[...]