Parrot Outreach Society Adopted Eggo] The Cockatiel

Eggo] The Cockatiel

2 thoughts on “Eggo] The Cockatiel”

  1. Hi
    Eggo is precious and looks so sweet!
    Do we know if boy or girl?
    I have an almost 8 year old daughter wanting a bird. Does Eggo do ok with kids? I am 46 and had birds since 7. Currently have a Parrotlet, Blu. My last was a green naped lorikeet, Luna.❤️
    We are inquiring about adopting a sweet little feather baby rather than buying. Please let us know about Eggo! Thank you so much

    1. I am so sorry. Somehow this message got lost in the chaos. Eggo got adopted but he was a wild cockatiel and probably not best suited for what you are looking for. We have some friendly parakeets available. We also have a good amount of conures that are looking for their forever homes

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